How to build a website just with plain HTML and host it.

Ryan L. Kopf
5 min readJan 13, 2024


Building a website with plain HTML can seem daunting, but with the right tools and knowledge, it’s quite achievable. This guide will explore how to create a simple yet effective website using only HTML and how to host it online. Additionally, we’ll look at two other similar service options for comparison.

Building a website can be hard.

Step 1: Crafting Your HTML Website

Start by writing your HTML code. Basic HTML knowledge is sufficient to create a simple webpage. Use a text editor like Notepad or a code editor like Visual Studio Code to write your HTML. Your code should include the basic structure: <!DOCTYPE html>, <html>, <head>, <title>, and <body> tags.

Step 2: Previewing Your Website

You can view your website by opening the HTML file in a web browser. This will give you a live preview of what your website looks like as you develop it.

Step 3: Choosing a Web Host

Once your website is ready, you’ll need to choose a hosting provider. Web hosting services store your website files and make them accessible to users online. Options include traditional web hosts or platforms that specifically cater to HTML websites.

Step 4: Uploading Your Website

After selecting your hosting provider, upload your HTML files to your web host. This can typically be done via an FTP client like FileZilla or through the hosting provider’s control panel.

Step 5: Testing and Launching

Once your website is uploaded, test it to ensure everything works as expected. Check all links, images, and functionalities. If everything is in order, you’re ready to launch your website to the public.

Alternative Service Options

  1. Website Raven: As previously mentioned, Website Raven is an excellent option for building and hosting HTML websites. It offers direct HTML editing on the page, making it simple for beginners and flexible for experienced developers.
  2. GitHub Pages: GitHub Pages provides a straightforward way to host HTML websites, especially for those comfortable with Git and GitHub. It’s ideal for hosting static websites and offers seamless integration with GitHub’s version control system.
  3. Netlify: Netlify is a modern hosting service that’s perfect for static HTML websites. It offers continuous deployment from Git repositories, serverless backend services, and other advanced features for modern web development.

Introduction to Website Raven’s HTML Website Builder

Website Raven’s HTML Website Builder emerges as a revolutionary platform for both beginners and seasoned developers, offering direct HTML editing capabilities. It stands out as the only free website builder allowing on-page HTML modifications, bridging the gap between simplicity and customization.

The Magic of Website Raven’s Site-Builder

Edit Button on Every Page

Website Raven introduces an ‘Edit’ button on each page, simplifying text and picture modifications. This feature, coupled with an instant setup process, makes website building quick and effortless.

Complete HTML Control

Users enjoy full control over their website’s HTML, allowing for bespoke designs free from the constraints of templates.

No Need for FTP

The platform eliminates the need for separate editors and FTP uploads, streamlining website editing directly on the site itself.

Key Features

  • Instant Website Creation
  • High-Performance Solutions
  • AI-Powered Efficiency
  • Full HTML, JS, and CSS Access
  • Affordable and Transparent Pricing

Why Website Raven’s HTML Builder is a Game-Changer

  • Ease of Integration with Advertising Platforms
  • Simplified Third-Party Verification
  • Access to Latest JavaScript Libraries
  • Seamless Social Media Integration
  • Optimized for SEO

Alternatives to HTML Website Creation

While Website Raven offers an efficient approach, alternatives like FTP, SSH, Visual Studio Code, and GitHub Pages cater to different technical needs and skill levels.

Why Choose Website Raven?

  • Seamless integration of advanced technologies
  • User-friendly interface for all skill levels
  • Reliable website performance
  • Continuous updates and enhancements
  • Exceptional customer support

The SEO Benefits

With Website Raven’s direct HTML editing, users gain complete control over SEO aspects, including title tags, meta descriptions, and keywords.

Technical Complexities of Traditional HTML Website Building

Website Raven simplifies the complex processes involved in FTP, SSH, and traditional CMS usage, offering a more intuitive web development experience.

Direct Editing of JavaScript and CSS Files

The builder extends its capabilities to JavaScript and CSS files, empowering users to fully customize their website’s appearance and functionality with cutting-edge features.


Users, including freelancers and entrepreneurs, praise Website Raven for transforming their approach to website design, highlighting its affordability and ease of use.

Building and hosting a website with plain HTML is a straightforward process that offers control and simplicity. By following these steps and considering the alternative services mentioned, you can successfully launch your HTML website with minimal fuss.

Coding a Website in HTML: Incorporating CSS and More

Creating a website in HTML involves more than just structuring content. To build a fully functional and aesthetically pleasing website, you’ll need to incorporate CSS, and potentially JavaScript, for styling and interactivity. Here’s a basic guide to getting started with coding a website in HTML:

1. HTML: The Foundation

  • HTML Structure: Every webpage starts with the basic HTML structure. This includes the <!DOCTYPE html> declaration, <html> tag, <head> section (containing metadata and links to CSS/JavaScript files), and <body> section (containing the content of your page).
  • Elements and Tags: Learn about different HTML elements like headings (<h1> to <h6>), paragraphs (<p>), links (<a href=”...”>), images (<img src=”...”>), lists (<ul>, <ol>, <li>), and more.
  • Semantics: Use semantic HTML5 elements where appropriate for better accessibility and SEO. These include <header>, <nav>, <section>, <article>, <aside>, and <footer>.

2. CSS: Adding Style

  • Inline, Internal, and External CSS: CSS can be added directly in HTML elements (inline), within the <head> section of your HTML (internal), or in separate .css files (external). For larger projects, external CSS is recommended for better organization and reusability.
  • Selectors, Properties, and Values: Understand how to select elements (like p, .class, #id) and apply styles (like color, font-size, margin).
  • Layout Techniques: Learn CSS layout techniques such as Flexbox and Grid to create responsive layouts. These allow you to position elements in complex ways quite easily.
  • Responsive Design: Use media queries to make your website responsive, ensuring it looks good on all devices.

3. JavaScript: Adding Interactivity

  • Basic Interaction: Use JavaScript to make your website interactive. This can include actions like showing/hiding content, changing styles dynamically, or validating form data.
  • DOM Manipulation: Learn to select and manipulate HTML elements using the Document Object Model (DOM). This allows you to dynamically change your webpage in response to user actions.
  • External Libraries: Consider using JavaScript libraries like jQuery for easier DOM manipulation, or frameworks like React or Vue.js for more complex applications.

4. Testing and Validation

  • Browser Testing: Test your website in different browsers to ensure consistent performance and appearance.
  • Validation Tools: Use tools like the W3C Markup Validation Service to check the validity of your HTML and CSS.

5. SEO Basics

  • Metadata: Use <meta> tags in your HTML head for defining page description, keywords, and author, which are important for SEO.
  • Alt Text for Images: Always provide alt text for images. This is important for SEO and accessibility.

6. Hosting and Deployment

  • Once your site is ready, choose a hosting provider and upload your files using FTP, SSH, or a hosting provider’s control panel as previously discussed.


Building a website with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is a fulfilling process that combines creativity and technical skills. Start with a simple project, gradually incorporating more complex CSS layouts and JavaScript interactivity as you become more comfortable. Remember, web development is a continuous learning process; stay curious and keep experimenting!



Ryan L. Kopf

Serial C.E.O. and Entrepreneur. Great at technology, innovation, and entertainment arts.