Comparing the Technical Implementations of Virtual Reality

Ryan L. Kopf
12 min readFeb 25, 2023


Virtual reality: for when your normal reality just doesn’t cut it anymore. VR has some incredible applications available, but we’ve yet to even come close to pushing the limits of what is possible in virtual worlds.

Meta has started the idea of pushing against the boundaries of what is possible with Virtual Reality, but their platforms and teams have serious limitations. For example, their most famous Metaverse platform only recently announced that user avatars would have legs. Without which the world felt odd, surreal, and ghostly.

What is VR?

Virtual reality (VR) is a technology that simulates a 3D environment using computer-generated images and sounds, which allows users to interact with a digital world as if they were physically present within it. Here’s an overview of how VR works:

  1. Putting on a Headset: The first step in experiencing virtual reality is putting on a headset. These devices are worn like a pair of goggles and use small screens or lenses to display images in front of the user’s eyes. The headset is usually equipped with motion sensors, which track the user’s head movements and adjust the images accordingly, creating the illusion of a 360-degree environment.
  2. Seeing 3D Images: Once the headset is on, the user will see a 3D image that appears to surround them. This is achieved by displaying separate images for each eye, which creates the perception of depth and distance. The images are usually rendered in real-time by a powerful computer, which responds to the user’s movements and actions in the virtual environment.

Now, let’s discuss the differences between fully immersive VR experiences and less immersive ones:

Fully Immersive VR: Fully immersive VR experiences aim to replicate a physical world or environment as closely as possible. These types of experiences often require a high-end headset and powerful computer to run smoothly. In a fully immersive experience, users can move freely within the virtual environment and interact with objects as if they were real. Some fully immersive experiences may also incorporate other sensory feedback, such as haptic feedback or smells.

Less Immersive VR: Less immersive VR experiences aim to provide a more casual or limited virtual experience. These experiences can be accessed on a wider range of devices, such as smartphones or lower-end VR headsets. They may include 360-degree videos or simple games, but do not provide the same level of interactivity or sense of presence as fully immersive experiences.

In summary, virtual reality technology uses a combination of specialized hardware and software to create a realistic and immersive digital environment. The level of immersion can vary greatly depending on the type of VR experience, with fully immersive experiences providing a more complete and engaging virtual world.

Comparison of Existing VR Platforms

There are quite a few platforms that can run VR programs today. VR platforms like Oculus Quest, HTC Vive, and PlayStation VR vary in terms of technical specifications. Here’s a brief comparison:

Meta Quest: (Formerly Oculus Quest) This is a standalone VR headset with an all-in-one design that doesn’t require a separate computer to run. It features a resolution of 1832 x 1920 pixels per eye, a refresh rate of 72Hz, and a 100-degree field of view. It uses inside-out tracking, which means that it uses cameras on the headset to track the user’s movements.

HTC Vive: The Vive is a PC-based VR headset that requires a high-end computer to run. It features a resolution of 1080 x 1200 pixels per eye, a refresh rate of 90Hz, and a 110-degree field of view. The Vive uses external tracking stations to track the user’s movements.

PlayStation VR: This is a console-based VR headset that works with the PlayStation 4 or 5. It features a resolution of 960 x 1080 pixels per eye, a refresh rate of 120Hz, and a 100-degree field of view. It uses a camera to track the user’s movements.

In terms of technical specifications, the Oculus Quest has the highest resolution and refresh rate, while the HTC Vive has the widest field of view. The tracking capabilities of each headset differ, with the Oculus Quest using inside-out tracking and the HTC Vive using external tracking stations. The PlayStation VR has a lower resolution and field of view compared to the other two platforms, but it is also more affordable and doesn’t require a high-end PC to run.

What can you do in VR?

Virtual reality technology has expanded rapidly in recent years, providing a range of new possibilities and experiences. Here are some of the things you can do in VR:

Gaming: One of the most popular applications of VR technology is gaming. VR games allow players to immerse themselves in a fully interactive and engaging digital world. They can move around, interact with objects, and experience the game world in a way that was previously impossible.

Training and Education: Another application of VR technology is in training and education. VR can provide a safe and controlled environment for people to learn and practice skills. For example, VR can be used to train pilots, surgeons, or even astronauts. It can also be used for traditional educational purposes, allowing students to explore and learn about historical sites or scientific concepts in an interactive and engaging way.

Virtual Travel: With VR, you can take virtual tours of places all around the world without leaving your home. For example, you can watch lions in Afria. From visiting museums and art galleries to exploring famous landmarks and natural wonders, VR provides an immersive experience that allows you to feel like you’re actually there.

Virtual Classes: With the rise of remote learning, VR can provide a more interactive and engaging learning experience. Online courses can be enhanced with VR technology, allowing students to feel like they’re in a physical classroom with their peers and instructors.

Unique Experiences: VR can provide unique experiences that are not possible in the real world. For example, you can go scuba diving and explore underwater environments without leaving your home. You can also experience extreme sports like skydiving or bungee jumping in a safe and controlled environment.

In summary, VR technology offers a wide range of possibilities for entertainment, education, and unique experiences. From gaming to training, virtual travel to virtual classes, and even underwater exploration, there are countless opportunities to explore and enjoy in the world of VR.

The experience of using VR

Virtual reality (VR) experiences are heavily dependent on input devices to provide users with a way to interact with the digital world. Here are some of the most commonly used input devices in VR, and how they are implemented across different VR platforms:

Motion Controllers: These are handheld devices that allow users to manipulate virtual objects and navigate within the virtual environment. They are commonly used for gaming and other interactive experiences. Motion controllers can vary in design and functionality across different VR platforms. For example, the Oculus Touch controllers for the Oculus Quest and Rift feature responsive triggers and joysticks, while the HTC Vive controllers offer haptic feedback and can be used for more complex hand gestures.

Gloves: VR gloves are a more advanced input device that allow users to control virtual objects using their own hand movements. They are often used in industrial and training applications where precise hand movements are required. VR gloves can vary in design and functionality across different VR platforms. For example, the Manus Prime II gloves use finger tracking technology to provide accurate hand movements, while the HaptX gloves offer haptic feedback to provide a more immersive experience.

Eye Tracking: Eye tracking is a more recent development in VR input devices. It allows the user to control their gaze and interact with the virtual environment using eye movements. Eye tracking can be used for a range of applications, from gaming to medical training. The Tobii eye tracking technology is used in some VR headsets, including the HTC Vive Pro Eye and the Pico Neo 2 Eye, to provide more precise eye tracking functionality.

Voice Recognition: Voice recognition is another input device that is becoming increasingly popular in VR. It allows users to interact with the virtual environment using voice commands. Voice recognition can be used for a range of applications, from controlling virtual assistants to navigating complex virtual environments. Different VR platforms use different voice recognition technologies, with the Oculus Quest 2 featuring a built-in microphone for voice commands and the Windows Mixed Reality platform using Microsoft’s Cortana virtual assistant.

In summary, VR input devices are a critical component of any virtual experience. They allow users to interact with the digital environment and provide a more immersive and engaging experience. Different VR platforms offer a range of input devices, from motion controllers and gloves to eye tracking and voice recognition, each with their own unique features and functionalities.

Making VR Content

Creating VR content requires specialized tools and software that are designed to support the unique requirements of immersive and interactive experiences. Here’s a comparison of some of the most popular tools and software used to create VR content, including Unity, Unreal Engine, and WebXR:

  1. Unity: Unity is a popular game engine that provides a range of tools and features for creating VR content. It offers a high level of flexibility and is often used for developing both 2D and 3D games. Unity supports a range of VR devices and platforms, including the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. It has a large community of developers and offers a range of assets and plug-ins that can be used to speed up development. However, Unity can be resource-intensive and requires a strong understanding of programming and development.
  2. Unreal Engine: Unreal Engine is another popular game engine that offers similar features to Unity. It has a reputation for producing high-quality graphics and is often used for developing AAA games. Unreal Engine also supports a range of VR devices and platforms, including the Oculus Quest and PlayStation VR. Unreal Engine offers a range of features and tools that are designed specifically for VR development, such as motion controllers and head-mounted displays. However, Unreal Engine can be more difficult to learn than Unity and may require a higher level of technical expertise.
  3. WebXR: WebXR is a web-based platform that allows developers to create VR and AR experiences that can be accessed through a web browser. It is designed to be easy to use and accessible to developers of all levels. WebXR supports a range of VR and AR devices, including the Oculus Quest and Google Cardboard. It provides a lightweight and flexible development environment that can be accessed from any device with a web browser. However, WebXR can be limited in terms of graphics quality and may not offer the same level of functionality as dedicated game engines like Unity and Unreal Engine.

Unity, Unreal Engine, and WebXR are all pretty powerful tools that can be used to create VR content. Each tool has its own strengths and weaknesses, and the choice of tool will depend on the specific requirements of the VR experience being developed. Unity and Unreal Engine are more powerful and offer more advanced features, but may require a higher level of technical expertise. WebXR is more accessible and easy to use, but may be limited in terms of graphics quality and functionality. Ultimately, the choice of tool will depend on the needs of the developer and the specific requirements of the VR experience being created.

Graphics Comparison Between Different VR Platforms

The graphics capabilities of different VR platforms can vary greatly, depending on factors such as rendering technologies and processing power. Here’s a comparison of the graphics capabilities of some popular VR platforms and how these technologies impact the visual quality and performance of VR experiences:

  1. Meta Quest: The Meta Quest / Oculus Quest is a standalone VR headset that features a mobile processor and is not as powerful as some PC-based VR headsets. However, it features an OLED display with a resolution of 1832 x 1920 pixels per eye and a 72Hz refresh rate. The Quest uses a technique called foveated rendering to improve performance, which means that the area of the display that is in the user’s central vision is rendered at a higher resolution than the surrounding areas.
  2. HTC Vive: The HTC Vive is a PC-based VR headset that features a more powerful processor and graphics card than the Oculus Quest. It features an OLED display with a resolution of 1080 x 1200 pixels per eye and a 90Hz refresh rate. The Vive uses a technique called room-scale tracking, which allows the user to move around within the virtual environment.
  3. PlayStation VR: The PlayStation VR is a console-based VR headset that features an OLED display with a resolution of 960 x 1080 pixels per eye and a 120Hz refresh rate. It uses a technique called asynchronous reprojection to improve performance, which means that the headset renders frames at a lower resolution and then scales them up to match the display.

Different VR platforms use different rendering technologies to produce graphics, and the types of visual effects they can produce will vary depending on the platform. For example, some VR platforms support ray tracing, which is a technique that can produce more realistic lighting and shadows. Other platforms may support volumetric rendering, which can be used to create realistic fog or smoke effects. However, these advanced rendering techniques can be very demanding on processing power and may impact the performance of the VR experience.

In summary, the graphics capabilities of different VR platforms can vary greatly depending on the processing power, display resolution, and refresh rate. The types of rendering technologies used by each platform can impact the visual quality and performance of VR experiences. Developers need to balance visual quality with performance to create a smooth and engaging VR experience that runs well on a range of VR devices.

On the Performance of VR

Optimizing VR experiences for performance can be a complex and challenging task. VR applications require a high level of rendering performance to maintain a smooth and immersive experience. Here are some of the common techniques used to optimize VR experiences for performance and how they are handled across different VR platforms:

  1. Dynamic Resolution Scaling: This is a technique that adjusts the resolution of the VR headset on-the-fly based on the performance of the system. If the performance of the system drops, the resolution of the display is lowered to maintain a smooth frame rate. Some VR platforms, such as the Oculus Quest and the HTC Vive, support dynamic resolution scaling. This helps to ensure a consistent frame rate and minimize performance issues.
  2. Foveated Rendering: This is a technique that focuses rendering on the areas of the display that the user is looking at, while rendering the peripheral areas at a lower resolution. This helps to improve performance by reducing the number of pixels that need to be rendered. Foveated rendering is supported on some VR platforms, such as the Oculus Quest and the Pico Neo 2.
  3. Scene Culling: This is a technique that reduces the number of objects that need to be rendered by removing objects that are not visible to the user. This helps to improve performance by reducing the amount of work that the GPU needs to do. Scene culling is supported on most VR platforms, including the Oculus Quest, HTC Vive, and PlayStation VR.

Different VR platforms may handle these optimization techniques differently, depending on their hardware and software capabilities. For example, the Oculus Quest uses a combination of dynamic resolution scaling and foveated rendering to improve performance, while the HTC Vive relies more heavily on scene culling and motion smoothing. The PlayStation VR uses a technique called asynchronous reprojection to maintain a smooth frame rate.

Optimizing VR experiences for performance is a critical task that requires careful consideration of hardware and software capabilities. Techniques such as dynamic resolution scaling, foveated rendering, and scene culling can be used to improve performance and maintain a smooth and immersive experience. Different VR platforms handle these optimization techniques differently, depending on their hardware and software capabilities. Developers need to consider the specific requirements of the VR experience they are creating and choose the appropriate optimization techniques to ensure a smooth and immersive experience.

So what’s the future?

My hope is the future of VR contains more content, easier accessibility, and works seemlessly on more devices. For example, my phone has trouble playing 360 video seemlessly on a split screen, when that is something that should be doable naturally. I look forward to improvements in eye tracking, sensory feedback, and wireless connectivity, and think the future of VR contains great things. I hope to use VR more at our conventions as we expand and grow.

Ryan Kopf is the President of and has been a software architect for over 20 years. He enjoys writing code, promoting open source software and open standards, traveling, scuba, exploring, learning, and spending time with friends and family.



Ryan L. Kopf

Serial C.E.O. and Entrepreneur. Great at technology, innovation, and entertainment arts.